
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and hope that you have a happy New Year!!
We had a good Christmas visiting with family. The book project is coming along well. It is going to be bigger than I first expected, but I am really excited about how it is turning out. I will be working on it heavily next week and hopefully getting it finished by next week before school starts.

The holidays bring a different aspect of people that I haven't talked about already. It is interesting how we stay up later and wake up later, people begin to start getting more sensitive a little more on edge. This is due to not only the lack of sleep but also the change of schedule. There is more stress. This is one aspect of the holidays, but there is another side as well. People are happier and there is more time to relax.

Holidays have an important role in our lives and bring about changes in all of us. Hopefully you will take the time to observe how those around you have changed and how they act. Write it down and then incorporate it into your books. Our characters should also go through these changes in our books. It is also a good way of understanding how they may change due to schedule change.

Have fun writing and enjoy the holidays!!!


  1. I got way stressed out this holiday. Too much in-laws, not enough writing.

  2. hey man hope you had a great christmas and here is to looking at a great new year as well...

  3. I say it's a time of less stress! Of course, I don't have a family or work right now to mess up my day.
    Hope your New Year starts off with a bang!

  4. It seemed this holiday season was kind of stressful right up to the minute I finished my shopping. :) Wishing you a successful and safe New Year!

  5. We kept everything very simple here this year, and it paid off. No stress :-)

    Have a wonderful New Year.

  6. I can't wait to see the book. Best of luck and I hope this next semester at school goes well for you. Happy New Year.

  7. Hi Josh,

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